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Project Supervision

List of student supervision

The Department of Zoology & Entomology offers research projects during the undergraduate BSc course and the postgraduate BSc (Honours) course. We do not expect the students to publish from these projects, but rather the research projects are aimed at being teaching exercises. The MSc degree is a thesis-based degree course (no coursework), with the end product being a full scientific thesis. The PhD (Zoology) is likewise a thesis-based degree course. Post-doctoral researchers at Rhodes University are given more autonomy in terms of their research direction and are given more teaching and supervision responsibilities.

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Student supervision

Students graduated/postdoctoral researchers completed:
MSc (main supervisor):

Mr Anthony Evlambiou

Ms Alungile Jeme


MSc (co-supervisor):
Mr (now Dr) Clarke Van Steenderen
Ms Cassandra Barker


PhD (main supervisor):
Dr Chad Keates


PhD (co-supervisor):
Dr Krista Oswald


Postdoctoral researcher:

Dr Jessica Comley

Current students/postdoctoral researchers:

​​MSc (main supervisor):
Mr Bruce Roestof

Mr Salmaan Banoo


MSc (co-supervisor):
Ms Asante Msimang

Ms Elelwani Emercia Nemanashi

Ms Zizonke Dlamini




Jessica Comley

Postdoc: Population genetics of brown hyena Parahyaena brunnei

Jess is investigating the population structure of brown hyena using genetic methods.

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Alungile Jeme

MSc: Source of invasive Tropical House Gecko

Alungile is using genetic methods to identify the source populations of invasive tropical house geckoes Hemidactylus mabouia.


Anthony Evlambiou

MSc: Evolutionary aspects of legless skinks Acontias

Anthony is investigating the link of head shape and environment, as well as testing a new species delineating character for the genus.

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Salmaan Banoo

MSc: Population and conservation status assessment of East African dugongs, Dugong dugon

Salmaan is investigating the population genetics and dynamics of East African dugongs.


Chad Keates

PhD: Evolutionary aspects of Psammophiidae

Chad has submitted his PhD thesis for examination. See his website for more information.

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Bruce Roestof

MSc:Taxonomic investigations of African mantises

Bruce is investigating the taxonomy of the African Mantoidea, using phylogenetic and morphological approaches.


Asante Msimang

MSc: Animal ethics aspects of drug development

Asante is exploring the ethical implications of animal use in pharmaceutical research.

Departmental Honours and undergraduate projects created and supervised by Prof Shelley Edwards:

Undergraduate and Honours projects:

Undergraduate (3rd year Entomology) projects

Main supervisor:

Zicelo Lisa: Blue duiker population demographics and occupancy

Ashley Hepburn: Blue duiker population demographics and occupancy

Bukho Ntombela: Blue duiker population demographics and occupancy

Romesa Muhhamed: Puffadders in urban environments.

Asemahle Mbali: Phylogenetics of the Pisauridae spider family.

Ayolisa Smoki: Pisaurid spider tarsi - do fishing behaviours drive tarsi claw evolution?

Sinethemba Ndwandwe: Are hyenas more closely related to Canidae or Herpestidae?

Azisa Kashe: The evolution of speech in hominids: voicebox morphologies.

Nirvan Goreeba: Mayfly diversity in Makhanda.

Bongiwe Ntanzi: Convergent evolution in Vespidae: wasp morphology is driven by nesting behaviour.


Honours Review Articles

Mateenah Barry: The 'Habsburg jaw': Why is inbreeding depression worse in mammals?

Kagiso Mphokane: The good, the bad and the unknown aspects of the use of AI in biological research.

2023 (year of sabbatical)

Undergraduate (3rd year Entomology) projects


Khomotso C. Mothibi: Population Genetics Analysis of Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart, 1843) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in Forensic Entomology [phylogeography; forensics]


Honours projects


Thulisa Nangu: Phylogeography of the forensically important oriental latrine fly Chrysomya megacephala and the potential for use of genetic markers to identify whether corpses have been moved [phylogeography; forensics]


Honours Review Articles

Jackey Mukhawana: Hiding in plain sight: The evolution of cryptic species

Ntokozo Hlope: What is a species?


Undergraduate (3rd year Zoology) projects

Deandra Goddard: Population genetics of grass frogs Ptychadena porossisima (Ptychadenidae). [genetic phylogeny]

Amahle Sifumba: Morphological shape variations of auditory bullae in otomyine rodents (Rodentia: Otomyini) in southern African biomes. [morphometrics]

Mateenah Barry: Head shape differences in yellow-throated plated lizards Gerrhosaurus flavigularis. [morphometrics]

Ntokozo Hlope: Molecular phylogeny of the nursery-web spiders (Pisauridae: Araneae) with a focus on South African members. [genetic phylogeny]


Honours projects

Main supervisor:

Gary Nicolau: Phylogenetics and taxonomy of Afroedura [phylogenetics, taxonomy] (in preparation)



Tinashe Mashayamombe: Testing for the most appropriate euthanasia substances for invertebrates [animal ethics; animal biology]

Takudzwa Mugiya: Testing for the most appropriate euthanasia substances for invertebrates [animal ethics; animal biology]


Honours Review Articles

Benjamin de la Fontaine: Satan or Saviour: Eugenics may be lurking behind CRISPR technology

Sbonisipho Manqele: Do animals have rights?


Undergraduate (3rd year Entomology) projects

Gary Nicolau: Molecular phylogeny of the nursery-web spiders (Pisauridae: Araneae) with a focus on South African members. [genetic phylogeny] (in preparation)

Benjamin De La Fontaine: Fire and ant-termite interactions in a South African urban periphery – with a novel commensalism of harvester ants (Messor capensis Mayr) with termites. [ecology] (published)


Honours projects

Main supervisor:

Rochelle Bessinger: Morphological variations of auditory bullae in otomyine rodents (Rodentia: Otomyini) in southern African biomes. [morphometrics] (published)


Honours Review Articles

Cameron Amos: Why have we, as a global community, not achieved the Aichi Biodiversity Targets?


Undergraduate projects

Projects cancelled due to the Covid-19 National Lockdown.   


Honours projects

Main supervisor:

Emily Jackson: The natural history and strandings of the Yellow-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis platurus) along the South African coastline, using museum samples. [morphology; reproduction] (in preparation)

Liam Yell: Body size versus head shape: which is more important for a burrowing reptile? [morphometrics]


Honours Review Articles

Nicola Dreyer: Geomagnetic polarity reversals: Historical perspective, present assumptions and future consequences.


Undergraduate (3rd year Zoology) projects

Emily Jackson: Effects on sleeping perch site selection by environmental factors in the Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon – Bradypodion ventrale (Gray, 1845). [behaviour] (in preparation)

Bongekile Makhathini: Spider diversity (Arachnida: Araneae) in different habitats in Grahamstown/Makhanda, Eastern Cape. [ecology]

Camron Paul: The preference of four different shelter usage by reptiles. [ecology]

Bruce Roestof: A morphological comparison of the shell shape between two Lineages of Brown Mussel, Perna perna (Linnaeus 1785), in South Africa. [morphometrics]  


Honours projects

Main supervisor:

Cara Trivella: Morphology and vegetation associations of the Knysna Dwarf Chameleon, Bradypodion damaranum (Boulenger, 1887). [morphometrics] (in preparation)

Janais Delport: The description of a new bristletail species (Archaeognatha: Meinertellidae) from Limpopo, South Africa. [taxonomy; genetic phylogeny] (in preparation)


Honours Review Articles

Tahnee Bennett: Does the fossil record contribute to our fundamental understanding of evolution?


Undergraduate (3rd year Zoology) projects

Richard Carkeek: A study into the invasive populations of the tropical house gecko, Hemidactylus mabouia, in the Eastern Cape. [genetic phylogeny]

Cara Trivella: Ecotypes in the Eastern Cape dwarf chameleon (Bradypodion ventrale: Chamaeleonidae) are related to vegetation densities. [morphometrics]


Honours projects

Main supervisor:

Bruce Roestof: Morphology of mantis raptorial forelegs in relation to diet. [morphometrics]

Kaylen Bowers: The origin of South African invasive populations of tropical house gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia). [genetic phylogeny]

William Rawson: Phylogeny of the Pisauridae (Araneae). [genetic phylogeny] (in preparation)


Undergraduate (3rd year Zoology) projects

Cassandra Barker: Anti-predator response of the Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon, Bradypodion ventrale, to various stimuli of vervet monkeys, Chlorocebus pygerythrus. [behaviour] (in review)

Khanyisile Buthelezi: Phylogeny of the family Pisauridae. [genetic phylogeny]

Kestrel Raik: Utilization by Hyperolius marmoratus verrucosus of the biocontrol rearing tunnels at Waainek Mass Rearing Facility, Grahamstown/Makhanda. [behaviour]

Daniel Rogers: A survey of the spiders found within the Grahamstown/Makhanda (Eastern Cape, South Africa) area. [ecology]


Undergraduate (3rd year Entomology) projects

Carol Munro: Feeding preference of spiders on biological control agents of water hyacinth. [behaviour]


Honours projects

Main supervisor:

Benjamin Kirkaldy: Is wing shape in Odonata the result of convergent evolution? [morphometrics]

Carla Bint: Competition for shelter between Otomys irroratus (Muridae) and Rhabdomys pumilio (Muridae). [ecology]

Jonathan Balmer: Spiders’ tarsal claw structure in relation to hunting strategy, with specific reference to Fishing Spiders (Pisauridae: Nilus sp) and other pisaurids. [morphometrics]

Maruchelle Cilliers: Resistance to routinely used anthelmintics in wireworm Haemonchus contortus, infecting domestic sheep. [medicine]

Luke Kemp: Phylogeographic comparison of Ptychadena porosissima (Steindachner, 1867). [genetic phylogeography]



Luke Kemp: It’s not all black and white: An overview of the Albany adder (Bitis albanica) (Hewitt, 1937) including an ecological niche model. [niche modelling; ecology]


Honours Review Articles

Kaeleah Andrew: The magnitude of impact that cats have on biodiversity

Luke Kemp: The effects of climate change on species with temperature-dependent sex determination.

Clarke van Steenderen: A question of scale: Queens and the court jester as models for biotic and abiotic drivers of evolution.


Undergraduate (3rd year Zoology) projects

Andrew Chen: Evolution of webbing on the hind feet in Hyperolius frogs is linked to rainfall seasonality and levels. [morphometrics]

Benjamin Kirkaldy: Is head shape in burrowing Squamata the result of convergent evolution? [morphometrics]

Carla Bint: Abundance of Hyperolius marmoratus verrucosus in Grahamstown/Makhanda. [ecology]

Lauren Offord: Hopping around Grahamstown/Makhanda: A diversity and abundance study of frogs (Anura). [ecology]

Luke Kemp: The effect of grazing on reptile diversity. [ecology]

Nonjabulo Matomela: The abundance and distribution of Cacosternum boettgeri in the Grahamstown/Makhanda Area. [ecology]

Yolokazi Ndobeni: Bronze Dainty frog Cacosternum nanum abundance and distribution around Grahamstown/Makhanda, Eastern Cape. [ecology]


Honours projects

Main supervisor:

Benjamin Miller: The trophic ecology and prey catching morphology of aquatic and riparian nursery web spiders (Araneae: Pisauridae) in Grahamstown/Makhanda (Eastern Cape, South Africa). [trophic ecology; morphometrics]

Chad Keates: Phylogenetic analysis of Psammophylax rhombeatus rhombeatus. [genetic phylogeny] (in review)

Ella Morran: Phylogenetic reconstruction of southern African ridged frogs (genus Ptychadena). [genetic phylogeny]

James Radloff: Lizards with the blues: Investigations of environmental factors that may have resulted in phenotypic convergence. [genetic phylogeny]

Tessa Woollgar: Head scale morphology of legless skinks: Acontias (Cuvier) (Scincidae: Acontinae). [morphometrics]


Chad Keates: The effect of painted reed frog (Hyperolius marmoratus verrucosus) predation on the mass rearing of two biocontrol agents for water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). [ecology]




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